Disney Parks Moms Panel Search Begins September 2

It's that time of year again: the search for the newest members of the Disney Parks Mom Panel opens September 2.

The Disney Parks Moms Panel has been around since 2008 when it was called the Walt Disney World Moms Panel.

Several years ago the name was changed to the Disney Parks Moms Panel to include other Disney vacation experiences including Disneyland, Disney Cruise Line, Disney Vacation Club, and runDisney.

The panel might be called the "Moms Panel" but there are dads, aunts, and grandparents answering questions as panelists too.

The search process for the Disney Parks Moms Panel has historically consisted of several rounds of questions culminating in a phone interview. Thousands of people apply each year for a handful of spots on the panel.

The search opens September 2 and closes at 12 p.m. ET on Friday, September 5. For more information visit the Disney Parks Moms Panel website.


JayA wrote on Sun, 08/31/2014 - 13:32:

JayA's picture

If they really want to get more traffic to Epcot, maybe it's time to add a country or two. An attraction in the old body wars building would be nice too.

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