Walt Disney World Limited Time Magic: Week 12

It may be the most egg-cellent Easter Egg Hunt ever! This Limited Time Magic surprise sends guests on a spring time quest through Epcot (theme park admission required) exploring nooks and crannies of the park to locate special eggs and mark the spots with stickers on a quest map. This fun filled Vinylmation event will be going on March 18 through March 24, 2013 at Walt Disney World.

To Start Your Quest

    Visit the Port of Entry in Epcot located across from Duffy's Meet and Greet, or the one at the International Gateway to purchase your special Eggs-perience park map and stickers for $4.95, plus tax.

The Hunt

    Let the fun begin! Head off on your to hunt through the park and search for hidden eggs. Using your map as a guide you'll have an idea of where to hunt. As you locate the eggs, mark the map with your stickers!

    At the end of your quest, you'll be rewarded with a special Vinylmation prize! Take your completed map to one of the redemption locations and pick up your prize - a gift box with 2 Vinylmation key rings.

This fun in park activity is great for families looking to add a little Egg-strodinary fun to their day at Epcot! Guests are welcome to purchase as many maps as they would like, while supplies last. But remember, this experience is only offered for a limited time! As with all things Disney, prizes, prices and values are subject to change at a moments notice.

Will you be headed off on an Egg Hunt this week? Leave a comment and let us know if you do!


Barbara wrote on Mon, 03/18/2013 - 15:53:

Barbara's picture

Such fun!!! Wish I was going to be there.....

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