Baby Sea Turtles Hatch at Disney’s Vero Beach Resort

Recently two sea turtle nests hatched at Disney's Vero Beach Resort, and the nests belonged to turtles named after Disney's most popular ice queen and her sister.

The loggerhead turtles, Anna and Elsa, came ashore about three months ago at Vero Beach to lay their eggs and were also part of the Tour de Turtles event at the resort. The turtles were outfitted with transmitters so researchers can track their movements as they migrate.

In addition to having their migratory journey tracked by researchers, the Tour de Turtle "participants" are also raising awareness about threats to sea turtles, including artificial light pollution on nesting beaches and plastic debris in the oceans.

Anna's nest contained 72 eggs and 68 of those hatched, while Elsa's nest contained 127 eggs and 115 hatched. Elsa returned to the beach two weeks after the Tour de Turtles event to nest again but that nest has not yet hatched.

Sea turtles hatchlings heading out to sea at Disney's Vero BeachSea turtles hatchlings heading out to sea at Disney's Vero Beach

To follow Anna and Elsa on the Tour de Turtle adventure visit the Tour de Turtle website.


Kristen K. wrote on Sat, 10/11/2014 - 14:09:

Kristen K.'s picture

I'm so glad you did this Sea Turtle story, one day I want to be at Vero Beach for a hatching or the beginning of the Tour de Turtles

JMed wrote on Tue, 10/14/2014 - 12:49:

JMed's picture

That is so cool!!!! Go Anna and Elsa!

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