Disney Springs isn't just a lengthy expansion project that is transforming Downtown Disney into something new.
As with all great Disney attractions, Disney Imagineers have developed a storyline for Disney Springs and it begins back in the mid-1800s.
The story is that a small settlement started near the natural springs and eventually that settlement grew into a small town. The Imagineers see the storyline as way to tell about the history of Florida in addition to Disney history.
Disney artist rendering of Disney Springs
The reasoning behind creating a storyline for the area was that for the last three decades Downtown Disney had no story. Rather, it was three areas that had no connection other than the fact that they were located in "Downtown Disney."
Disney Springs will bring the storyline to life through architecture, music, and even costuming. Guests will have a sense of time and place that is influencing everything at Disney Springs.
The first neighborhood in Disney Springs is called The Landing, and it is set to open in 2015. The expansion construction will continue through this year and next, with the completely reimagined Disney Springs scheduled for completion in 2016.
The first Disney Springs neighborhood - The Landing
As part of the expansion, the roads surrounding Downtown Disney are also under construction. Lake Buena Vista Drive will be widened to 10 lanes and the area will also feature an all-new I-4 interchange.
Disney Springs will also have two parking garages. The first parking garage is scheduled to open later this year, offering 4,000 parking spots for guests.
To hear more about the Disney Springs storyline, check out this video:
Are you excited about the Disney Springs expansion? Leave us a comment and let us know.
Daniel Saiz wrote on Wed, 08/27/2014 - 14:17:
I can't wait! I visit Orlando once a year and this past june I noticed the construction and asked a waitress at one of the restaurants I was dining in at Downtown Disney. She told me what was going on and I have to say how awesome it's going to be. I always plan a couple of days to visit the Downtown Disney area. Good job to you guys at Disney. Thanks and can't wait to see the finished results!
Sandy wrote on Wed, 08/27/2014 - 14:24:
I love Disney, but I wish you would go back to some of your original ideas with the shops. PLEASE bring back the bath & home shop. Expand the kitchen shop to how it use to be. Bring back the items that we adults want to buy. You have forgotten that. That we adults DO LIKE to buy Disney items for ourselves. And not another t-shirt or swearshirt. (Honestly, I can get those at my local Disney Store) But when I take the time to go to Disney World, I want to be able to walk away with those "only available at the parks" type of souveniers. You totally ruined World of Disney. Put the Bibidi Bobidi Boutique in the Magic Kingdom. and bring back the items that we use to be able to get. the ceramic statues of the princesses with their princes, the snowglobes , the amazing variety of frames, polo shirts (for BOTH men & women), sterling silver charms, night shirts/pajamas and robes. The nice jackets, like the old fashioned letter jackets. I mean remember it's us adults that are footing the bill for all theses items. If you can't accomodate us here than at least bring back the Disney Store catatlogues with all the wonderful items that use to be available for us to order. Istill have some of my old catalogues, and I would love to be able to go and get some of those items now. But again I stress PLEASE remember it's Disney we want, not just another retail store on Disney property. Remember your roots! DISNEY, not ray ban sunglasse, or Starbucks. (I can go off property if I "need" that!) When I'm at Disney, I want to "feel" like I'm at that magical place away from the day to day normality of the world. And beleive me, we as adults need to get away once in a while too! Think of how Walt would have wanted things.
guy a spagnoli wrote on Wed, 08/27/2014 - 14:25:
Thank you Imagineers. Down town Disney became a waste town. After all of the party spots were closed there was no reason to go there. I worked in Engineering at Saratoga when I left in 2007. I always said, a redesign was needed for Down Town. I left and enrolled at Columbia College Chicago. My major is in Cinematography as a Director and graduated in 2013. At school they called me a Dreamer, I still Dream about Disney. It's great what you are creating and continue to create. But as a Great person said, it will never be finished. Keep moving forward-------GUY
Kristen K. wrote on Thu, 08/28/2014 - 22:33:
Hi Sandy - Ummm, you know we're not Disney right? This is a fan site - but I completely agree about bringing back the adult focused Disney merchandise.
Janet wrote on Tue, 09/16/2014 - 03:18:
I hope they get a pet accessory store(apparently they had one before) I would love to get my fur baby some Disney accessories!!
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