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wistfulgirl's picture
Joined: 10/29/2014
Posts: 35

Brinbunny wrote:

I have just spell checked my pre trip report, then when I pasted it onto here I had to do it again!

I forget I am English and I use words like Favourite and Centre.... In keeping with my own belief system when being in a different country I should at least attempt the local language. Therefore please see the adjusted words of Favorite and Center silly

But as for the rules I am pleased to see a forum that uses real words, I will quit reading posts that I have to translate too much, and that's a shame because I may have found something useful in there.

I do this too and I don't even have the excuse of being English, lol! My hubby is, though, and, in my defense, I lived there for 3 years and worked as an Executive Assistant, so had to be spot on with the English spelling of words. It still slips into my writing now and then, lol!

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MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Hello & welcome to any and all new members. Just a reminder, please look over the Forum rules so you are familiar with them.

Thank you.


MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Hello to everyone on the Walt Disney World For Grownups site! I would like to welcome all the new members that have joined here over the past year or so.

Every now and then we just like to remind everyone to refresh themselves with the Forum Rules and to read through the topics section so you are familiar with the different categories so you are posting under the correct section. At times it may be difficult to determine just where to post, so don't worry. If a thread gets opened under the wrong topic, we can always have it moved if need be, you will not get in trouble.

Also lately while reading over posts, it has been noticed that there are more and more abbreviations being used and we would like to stay away from this happening. We just do not want anyone posting like they are texting and would like everyone to avoid common abbreviations other than for Disney terms. With all the texting people do now a days, every now and then they will slip out, just try not to make a habit of it please. There is a list of commonly used abbreviations which are used for Disney terminology and we would like to keep it at that. This list is posted under the Abbreviations thread under Forum Rules. If you think or know of an abbreviation that should be added, let one of us Moderators know and we will look into it.

We have a great group of people here, thank you for understanding. Happy posting!!!!

Mark "MrHub"

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

awesome Thank You Mark. I also have been scratching my head over some of the abbreviations used on occasion.


Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

mickey Giving this a bump to the top - the New Year means it's time to refresh your memory with the rules of the forum.

Walt Disney World For Grown-ups is a website and forum focused on Walt Disney World and created for people who enjoy spending time there both with and without kids. Walt Disney World For Grown-ups reserves the right to ban users or otherwise mitigate forum use of users who do not abide by the following rules.

All messages posted are property of Walt Disney World For Grown-ups. Walt Disney World For Grown-ups reserves the right to modify and/or delete any post as necessary, for any reason, and without notification or explanation to the poster.

Each member is limited to one account and one username. Impersonating other members is not allowed. Name changes are not encouraged on WDWFG. To request a change in user name for *security reasons only* please send a direct message to Admin.

You must be registered under a valid email account, which you check regularly, at all times during membership.
Do not advertise any products, services, websites, or mailing lists from which you stand to gain personally.

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Use of profane language or posting of pornographic material is not allowed.

Walt Disney World For Grown-ups is a community board that promotes a supportive atmosphere. Users who are abusive, aggressive, or who engage in personal attacks against other members will be banned.

Posts created for self-promotion, to artificially inflate post count, or that are deemed off-topic are subject to moderator editing, and grounds for banning.

Post on-topic comments and questions in the correct forums and categories.

Please post using correct grammar and spelling, avoiding common abbreviations (e.g. acuza for abecausea).

Do not create posts that violate standing laws, including posts that violate agreements around copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, or Non-Disclosure Agreements.

Do not create posts that include mention of illegal activity.

Do not create posts promoting fundraisers, or asking for support or funding for nonprofit or for-profit endeavors, before getting permission from an administrator or moderator.

By posting on Walt Disney World For Grown-ups, you agree to all of the above rules and regulations.