Jeff...please stay a few more days. I don't want this trip report to end!
(ps that flatbread looks delish!)
Well, our last morning has come, and it went like this:
Up early and were in line at HS by 7:50 for 8:00 am EMHs. Was quite a big line by then!
In the park by 8:10
We rode Rock N Roller Coaster (5 min wait) and ToT (5 minute wait) and were done and on our way out of the park by 8:30!
Then we drove over to the Contemporary and walked over to MK and were in the park by 9:10. All we wanted to do was get another set of Sorcerer cards
The line at the Sorcerer station near the entrances was out the door!! But we knew. A secret that many did not: there's anothe recruiting station by the Christmas shoppe!
So we high-tailed it over there, where there was noone in line Picked up our cards and were out of the park by 9:20 and headed back to the room by 9:30.
We packed last night, so all we had to do was load up the car and roof carrier.
We got the doggies by 10:10, and are on I-4 now. Should be home in 9 hours.
Thanks for following along with us - we really enjoyed all your comments and input
Great Trip report Jeff!
I here by vote JeffC's "Moment by Moment" trip report "Best Ever" on WDW For Grown Ups!
I second MrHub's vote!
So sad your done man... but glad you had an amazing time!
- 2013 Trip Report!
- My Int3ractiv3 Trip R3port '12 - CLICK HERE!
[url='']- My Interactive Trip Report '11[/url]
For the "Why does this have to happen to me?" file...
I just talked to someone from Disney Floral. It appears my special little order was set up in the wrong room.....sure hope whoever got it really enjoyed it! They must have thought Disney truly was the most magical place on Earth
For the "Why does this have to happen to me?" file...I just talked to someone from Disney Floral. It appears my special little order was set up in the wrong room.....sure hope whoever got it really enjoyed it! They must have thought Disney truly was the most magical place on Earth
I am not sure why, but that whole scenario makes me giggle. Imagine coming back from a day at the parks and there is a special 'gift' awaiting you. . . And you are 8 years old . . . Or vacationing with your sisters.
Are they gonna set you up a new one?
If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien
JeffC wrote:For the "Why does this have to happen to me?" file...I just talked to someone from Disney Floral. It appears my special little order was set up in the wrong room.....sure hope whoever got it really enjoyed it! They must have thought Disney truly was the most magical place on Earth
I am not sure why, but that whole scenario makes me giggle. Imagine coming back from a day at the parks and there is a special 'gift' awaiting you. . . And you are 8 years old . . . Or vacationing with your sisters.
Are they gonna set you up a new one?
Or a boyfriend / girlfriend and the girlfriend is expecting a proposal to come next. when it doesn't the boyfriend is in serious trouble.
If I had to choose anyone other than DH to travel with, I'd choose you Jeff! You must be so much fun to travel with - I've loved reading about your trip, and visualizing where you were and what you were doing. I'll make it unanimous - BEST TRIP REPORT ever!
Time marches on. Eventually you realize it's doing it across your face.
Best trip report EVER gets my vote. Great job Jeff.
Well, I am not averse to doing a full trip report if interested!
We just got home. Blegh. WE WANT TO GO BACK!!!
Thanks for all the nice notes. I can't take all the credit for the trip updates (well, I could, but I really shouldn't - haha) because Joe and I did it together. He took alot of pics and posted just as much as I did. So we had fun We just tried to make sure we did not turn into one of those people we were always making fun of - at the parks glued to their electronic devices and totally missing out on everything! I think we got a pretty good balance.
We have tons of pics and a few videos snippets to go through yet and will share that when ready.
It was a most magical trip indeed!!
Welcome home
I certainly am not averse to reading your full trip report. In fact I look forward to it.
This one was a blast! Thanks for sharing your trip with us.
We finally did have a cast member offer to take a picture of us together on our last night.
This is Joe and I on the walkway between the Contemporary and Bay Lake Tower. I had no idea this even existing until I saw mrhub post a picture of it a while back
Wonderful report Jeff C,
Thanks for sharing with us
I'd like to know more about your Mickey wristband too. I'm. It a huge Mickey fan but that's very nice.
If you don't mind
I'm glad you, Joe and the pups are home safe.
Take care,
Member of the 6 castle club and working to pay for my next Disney vacations: 1/5-10/18, September 2018 for my 50th and 2018 the year of Disney cruising.
Thanks so much for the fantastic trip report Joe & Jeff! Glad to hear you all made it home safely!
Yeah, they gave me a full refund and apologized profusely. I'm still bitter though....
Next trip is tbd for now
mrhub wrote:Looks like a leather wrist band.Yes!
Several folks asked about the yellow Mickey wristband I was wearing. So here's the scoop on that:
Joe gave them to me as part of a pre-trip countdown surprise back in 2009. I think there were 2-3 of them in the original package.
He found them at Party City, of all places! With the birthday stuff. We wore them the entire trip
We're down to one now though - the other 2 broke over time from taking them on and off so much. So I am trying to make this one last as long as possible!
Thanks for sharing your trip with us! I'm sorry about the mix up with your amenity, but omigosh, the thought of someone else getting it...that really is a nice thought to think about.
I'm glad you're home safely, and I look forward to hearing more details about your trip!
Loved, loved, loved your trip report!!! Thanks so much for sharing. We'd all love to see more!!!
Wait just a minute, I think there's something wrong.... There are no WDW updates today! Between Ollie's dinning episodes and Jeff's real-time updates I am having serious withdrawal symptoms.
It's like when you suddenly stop drinking coffee and you just don't feel quite right and there's that dull headache....
I just came across this thread today, and I just have to say....AMAZING! I'm going bananas here and I totally spent half my day reading this thread (while I was supposed to be working ) but this is the only thing that kept me sitting calmly at my desk, as I only have now 1 more work day to go!!!
You have given me inspiration and food ideas for the coming days, thank you!! I have to say now I will be on the lookout for the stoopidist shoes I can find haha. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed!
The stupid shoes just pop out at you once you remember about them, it's funny really. Me & Scrappy were just sitting one day looking around and just saying , "stupid shoes, stupid shoes , stupid shoes", and every now and then there was a "Magic Mirror".