‘Tangled: The Musical’ Debuts on Disney Cruise Line

A brand-new musical based on the hit animated film Tangled has debuted on the Disney Magic. The new stage show tells the story of Rapunzel through lavish production numbers and music, including three news songs from Alan Menken and Glenn Slater.

'Tangled: The Musical' live on the Disney Magic'Tangled: The Musical' live on the Disney Magic

Tangled: The Musical tells the same story fans loved in the feature film, with a few twists and includes Rapunzel, Flynn Rider, Mother Gothel, and even Maximus the horse.

Songs from the film including "Mother Knows Best," "I've Got a Dream," and "I See the Light" are featured in the stage show along with the three new songs.

On the Disney Magic the Walt Disney Theater is transformed into a Bavarian kingdom for the show. Master puppet designer Michael Curry worked to create Maximus for the stage show (you didn't think they used a real horse, did ya?).

Disney gave fans a sneak peek of the show last week:

Tangled: The Musical will be performed on every voyage of the Disney Magic.

Are you sailing the Disney Magic soon? Let us know if you're excited to see this new musical.


Kristen K. wrote on Mon, 11/16/2015 - 21:52:

Kristen K.'s picture

I can't wait to see this, I guess I need to book a cruise!

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