Personal Shopping Service Now Available at Disney Springs

If you're headed to Disney Springs for a shopping excursion and you're looking for some help finding that perfect outfit or accessory, there's a solution. Disney Spring is now offering a personal shopping service for guests.

Personal shopper service available at Disney SpringsPersonal shopper service available at Disney Springs

Guests can book a personal shopping experience with Melanie Pace, a fashion advisor, style expert, and wardrobe stylist.

The personal shopping experience includes one-on-one consultation with Pace, fashion recommendations, beauty advice, and special access to Disney Springs retailers.

This experience costs $250 per hour. Small group experiences can also be booked. Guests can contact Pace online or by calling 321-377-1337 and ask for a Disney Springs Style Session.

Would you book a personal style session? Let us know in the comments.


Kristen K. wrote on Tue, 01/31/2017 - 19:27:

Kristen K.'s picture

Ahhh... now all I need to do is win the lottery.

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