Do You Drink The In-Room Coffee?

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Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
Posts: 4357
Do You Drink The In-Room Coffee?

Since I've been doing so much work in the room, I've been making solid use of the in-room coffee machines, and I have to say: Given the water that they're having to work with I don't really mind this coffee. Especially given that most of the coffee out in the resorts/parks isn't that great anyway, I've been pleasantly surprised. Anyone with me on this?

Joined: 12/28/2011
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Meh. I'm bringing my Starbucks Via packs this time.

BUT I have never thought the in room coffee to be the general swill available in the parks and many restaurants. It all could be so much better.

I have always thought that a partnership between Disney & Starbucks was a recipe for world domination. . .


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Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
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That's actually a really good idea. I should buy some compatible "pods" in a brand I really like.

Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
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Dave uses it a lot only because he is A. an addict and B. cheap. He drinks at least 3 cups a day so he doesn't really want to have to go walk and buy a cup every time. He may refill our mug with it or buy one occasionally. I never thought about the nasty water situation..I better not mention that to him either or else he'll suddenly not want it!

(He usually brings is own coffee too..but he does use the inroom packets)


mickey Bella

Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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The DVC Room Coffee Pots are 12 Cup, so I pre-portion my Starbucks grounds into ziploc baggies before I leave home. I take one baggie of coffee ground and a filter for each morning we'll be in Disney.

I did try the in-room coffee packet at Grand Floridian (it was a Wolfgang Puck roast) and it was OK. What really makes me crazy is not having half and half. Man I hate powdered creamer!

Joined: 02/16/2012
Posts: 44

I was actually thinking of bringing a french press down with us and then ordering coffee supplies from Garden Grocer to be delivered. I figured I could use the in room machine to heat up the water.

Has anyone tried this?

I tried the Via stuff and liked it, but for the amount of coffee DH and I drink, it would be like $40 in packets for just our morning coffee Smile


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Kristen K.'s picture
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I've brought a French Press before and it was just messy to clean up. At home in my kitchen, no big deal, in the little hotel sink, not so much fun.

natazu's picture
Joined: 04/12/2012
Posts: 83

We usually stay in DVC rooms so we bring coffee from home. I'm a Community Coffee(tm) guy. But to answer the question, wild Tiggers couldn't get me to drink the in-room coffee.


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subvetss's picture
Joined: 04/30/2009
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I'm and old submariner and we used to put dirty socks in the coffee maker just to give it a little boost. There is no such thing as bad coffee for me. I drink it all.

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Joe - I remember when I was in the Navy the guys used to let the inside of their mugs get stained with the coffee. The darker the inside of the cup was the more coffee "clout" you had. I just couldn't keep up. I have to have cream, which means that I really need to wash my mug.

I'm packing up our baggies of SBUX for Disneyland soon!