Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party- When to go..

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Gustavenla68's picture
Joined: 03/20/2012
Posts: 15
Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party- When to go..

We(Me and DW) are going for 5 days sun through friday in december for our first real trip(was there for 2 days onces before). The MVMC is offered three time during our trip. Sunday when we arrive, tuesday and friday before we leave. I am torn on which one to go to and thought I might asks the experts. My first thought is to go that first day because we arrive at 2 and we could have dinner then make our way to the party and it would be a great kick off to the vacation. So what do you think? Start, Middle or End of the trip?


Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

I think the first day is the way to go for me. As long as you are sure of the arrival time so you won't be rushed.


Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

I haven't been to MVMCP, but I have been to MNSSHP, both times on the night before we left. I can honestly say tht I think it was a bad decision as far as scheduling went. For me it's awful hard to stay up so late, and then be up, packed, and checking out before 11am the next morning. My suggestion is to NOT go on your last night.

I do like the first night idea, especially if you hadn't planned on length of stay tickets.

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

I would think on a weekend night you would get more locals too, but maybe not on a Sunday night. Well we are going the week before you, so we'll let you know then! biggrin

senseicj's picture
Joined: 10/29/2010
Posts: 807

i think tuesday would be the best just for the fact of less crowded during the week


"You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
--Walt Disney--



TTFN_71's picture
Joined: 03/28/2012
Posts: 177

Me and DW are i the world from dec. 8-15 and would most likely do MVMCP on tues. the 11th since it should be less crowded. I wouldn't want to do it on the first day after traveling all day or the last night before we left. Just my preference.


Life is a journey not a destination.

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 6757

I went to MVMCP last year on my first day. It made for a very long day. Something to keep in mind if you have an early flight or have a long drive.


ANParker's picture
Joined: 02/17/2012
Posts: 63

I vote Tuesday. I never plan anything the day we arrive or before we go home either. Those are chill "do whatever we feel like doing" days. Plus with my luck my flight would be delayed or we'd have car trouble on the way down and we'd end up missing it anyway! wink


Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
Posts: 2786

Personally, i like to go in the middle of my trip. I feel like it'd be too rushed on the first or last day. I've been twice and i actually think they were both on a Tuesday. It wasn't too crowded either. No matter what day you go though, you'll have a great time!