The Mosquito At WDW..

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The Mosquito At WDW..

Good Morning Folks..Sunday is Disney day, so we are going thro our checklist for what we call " The Doo Da Bag "... This is where we pack toothpaste,deodorant,hair gel,etc,etc...Here's my question?..On our last stay at PORS in 2012.. We walked down to POFQ for a beignet breakfast and I'am sure I got bitten by the dreaded mosquito as I had three large bites on my leg which began to itch like mad on the plane home...Now that we have booked WL this year,surrounded by trees,etc...I'am pondering on taking a mosquito device for our room..We have one we use for Europe that plugs into the wall and contains liquid..Also a spray to use if sitting out on our balcony...Any advice would be much appreciated..

MrHub's picture
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Never been an issue for us in all the years we have been going.

Vettelover's picture
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I once read an article and it seems that WDW has a very active mosquito eradication program that is carried on mostly through the overnight hours (so the general public does not see nor realize it).
I must say they are successful because it has never been a problems with us either.


jhugo's picture
Joined: 01/11/2014
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Last year at WL we had no problems. We sat out in the evening on our balcony and we had a woods view. We did have a very cute lizard that lived on our deck so maybe he was eating them all. Smile

Joined: 11/14/2013
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I honestly have never seen a mosquito at Disney. I was bit by a yellow jacket last November in Epcot though. Dang thing was going after my baklava, and I fought back, but unfortunately, he won LOL

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Likewise... Never seen a single mosquito anytime or anywhere at WDW. In fact, I've commented to Jan a few times about the complete absence of bugs.

JoAnn C's picture
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I had never thought about it before; but now that you mention it, I haven't seen them either.


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And it's quite interesting since WDW is built in what is basically a swamp.

93boomer's picture
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I agree with all the above. Never been bitten by one while down there.

BoBo713's picture
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We normally go in sept/oct time and I've only ever once been bitten by Mosquitos......... in 2010 when we stayed in PO-RS. Some friends of ours had stayed there in 2009 and she told us about the bites she got. Big and nasty. Guess I got unlucky as well, I always seem to attract them. Since then I've been a bit paranoid about Mosquitos at night. I even wore these anti-mosquito bands on my ankles when I went to Fantasmic the following year, but no bites. I was bit worried about staying t SSR because of the ponds/water, but nothing happened, didn't see even one. Since then I haven't bothered with bands, sprays, creams anything.



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AnnielovesDisney's picture
Joined: 09/12/2013
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I live in Florida year round and I would definitely recommend bug spray for you to spray on yourselves if you are going to be outside at night at your resort. Especially if your resort is anywhere around water(a lake, canal, pond, etc....)

I'm sure that many people have experienced WDW w/o getting a bug bite, but as a "local" I will tell you we always have our bug spray at WDW. The parks seem to be well taken care, as far as mosquito and no-see-um control, but I wouldn't sit outside at a resort in October here in Florida without bug spray. Mosquito bites are bad, but no-see-um bites are horrible! They are tiny little bugs that travel in swarms and you can get dozens of little bites within a few minutes.

You shouldn't need any device for your room. Except for maybe one or two that get in when you open doors, you shouldn't have mosquitos in your room. If we sit outside on our lanai(outside porch or balcony) we spray bug spray on us and light a citronella candle and both of those combined seem to keep the bugs from biting. I don't know if the resort will let you light a citronella candle on your balcony, but it's worth asking because they work quite well here.

King Fergus

AnnielovesDisney wrote:
I live in Florida year round and I would definitely recommend bug spray for you to spray on yourselves if you are going to be outside at night at your resort. Especially if your resort is anywhere around water(a lake, canal, pond, etc....)

I'm sure that many people have experienced WDW w/o getting a bug bite, but as a "local" I will tell you we always have our bug spray at WDW. The parks seem to be well taken care, as far as mosquito and no-see-um control, but I wouldn't sit outside at a resort in October here in Florida without bug spray. Mosquito bites are bad, but no-see-um bites are horrible! They are tiny little bugs that travel in swarms and you can get dozens of little bites within a few minutes.

You shouldn't need any device for your room. Except for maybe one or two that get in when you open doors, you shouldn't have mosquitos in your room. If we sit outside on our lanai(outside porch or balcony) we spray bug spray on us and light a citronella candle and both of those combined seem to keep the bugs from biting. I don't know if the resort will let you light a citronella candle on your balcony, but it's worth asking because they work quite well here.

Cheers..That's it..sprays in suitcase..

King Fergus

DisneyDebs wrote:
I honestly have never seen a mosquito at Disney. I was bit by a yellow jacket last November in Epcot though. Dang thing was going after my baklava, and I fought back, but unfortunately, he won LOL

Whoa!!!..A yellow whit..? eek

Joined: 12/29/2011
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Yellow jacket is the common name for a predatory wasp or hornet. They are fairly common in the US. Mostly live in nests in the ground. Very nasty sting. The body has black and yellow stripes.

Don't want even think about stepping on a nest while wearing your kilt.

Vettelover's picture
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^^^^ rolling rolling rolling rolling


Magic Days's picture
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Our family enjoyes a gin and tonic in the evening to keep the Mosquitos away. Works every where for us. Never had issues at Disney but we've not been in the summer so it's possible then.


Eeyore's picture
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I've only encountered a few, but that was when we camped at Fort Wilderness in my parents' RV. It was also July and miserably hot. It wasn't terrible though. As others have said, Disney sprays for that. We usually carry "OFF" spray if we are camping...otherwise I wouldn't think you would need it.

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BuffaloBill wrote:
Yellow jacket is the common name for a predatory wasp or hornet. They are fairly common in the US. Mostly live in nests in the ground. Very nasty sting. The body has black and yellow stripes.

Don't want even think about stepping on a nest while wearing your kilt.

BuffaloBill wrote:
Yellow jacket is the common name for a predatory wasp or hornet. They are fairly common in the US. Mostly live in nests in the ground. Very nasty sting. The body has black and yellow stripes.

Don't want even think about stepping on a nest while wearing your kilt.

LOL ...Yeah could hurt a little !!


Joined: 06/17/2012
Posts: 373

I honestly have never seen a mosquito at Disney either


King Fergus

BuffaloBill wrote:
Yellow jacket is the common name for a predatory wasp or hornet. They are fairly common in the US. Mostly live in nests in the ground. Very nasty sting. The body has black and yellow stripes.

Don't want even think about stepping on a nest while wearing your kilt.

Cheers BB.. I will not be wearing my kilt...However here in Scotland we have something worse..The Midgie...Google that.

The Colonel's picture
Joined: 11/08/2012
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I am a feast to mosquitoes. I usually get bit on the ankles and feet. I bring DEET towelettes and apply at sundown when the little beasts come out. And I pack 1% Hydro-cortisone ointment to deal with the itches.


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Ktinydancer's picture
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I am also a local Floridian and mosquitos love me for some unfortunate reason. I always seem to be bitten when I am outside at home. While I really do not think about it when I am at Disney, I do not believe I have ever been bitten at WDW. As previously mentioned you shouldn't need anything for your room, but you can carry bug spray if you are going to be out around the hotel at night. Also, you could use dryer sheets and tie them around the bottom of the chair. For some reason they little blood suckers don't like that smell. They are safer than an citronella candle and can be used if you are not allowed to use one. If you do get bit I just use Hydrogen Peroxide it eases itching and prevents a irritating bump.


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Mrferret's picture
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Personally i find a flamethrower as the best for of deterent for bugs and biters. Wink


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The Colonel's picture
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Mrferret wrote:
Personally i find a flamethrower as the best for of deterent for bugs and biters. Wink

Heat attracts the mosquito. You have to follow up with complete carpet bombing and artillery barrage of the infested area. Then mow down the survivors with automatic weapons.


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King Fergus

There is a small village high up in the mountains of Crete..Cannot spell the name properly..Antisipopoulo..Something like that..Where the mosquito has never been seen or heard..The reason is the village is populated with Eucalyptus trees...Seems the dreaded Mossy cannot stand the smell from these trees..


Here's my fair skinned warning from a girl who's only option of getting tan is a darker shade of white......

Be careful when you apply sunscreen and bug spray. Some of them will counteract each other and some of them are dangerous combined! Lesson learned.....

Here's one article but if you google, you will find plenty.

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You want to know why mosquitos love you all so much? Sweet meat - nector of the pests. laugh

finngirl's picture
Joined: 04/11/2012
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I read a study that claimed mosquitoes like O+ blood best, and other types less. I can attest that this seems to be true- I am an all-day buffet for them, while DH (AB+) is like liver and onions, and almost never gets bitten. biggrin

Back in the 90's, when we stayed at POR, there were a weird insect - like a yellow house fly, and when they bit you, it would blow up like a golf ball, and itch for weeks afterward. They seemed to be really bad anywhere near water. In our more recent trips, we haven't seen them at all, so Disney must be using spray that works on them too. I do not miss those things!



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alicemouse's picture
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finngirl wrote:
I read a study that claimed mosquitoes like O+ blood best, and other types less. I can attest that this seems to be true- I am an all-day buffet for them, while DH (AB+) is like liver and onions, and almost never gets bitten. biggrin

Back in the 90's, when we stayed at POR, there were a weird insect - like a yellow house fly, and when they bit you, it would blow up like a golf ball, and itch for weeks afterward. They seemed to be really bad anywhere near water. In our more recent trips, we haven't seen them at all, so Disney must be using spray that works on them too. I do not miss those things!

I had heard one time that high cholesterol attracts them, which of course sent me into panic mode because I am a walking mosquito bite all summer long. I am O+ though, so I think I'll stick with that theory!! Although, I can only recall one or two mosquito bites from Disney. I have yet to remember to pack my bug spray and yet very few bites, so Disney's counter measures must be reasonably effective.

Here's my fair skinned warning from a girl who's only option of getting tan is a darker shade of white......

rolling rolling rolling DITTO!

There is a small village high up in the mountains of Crete..Cannot spell the name properly..Antisipopoulo..Something like that..Where the mosquito has never been seen or heard..The reason is the village is populated with Eucalyptus trees...Seems the dreaded Mossy cannot stand the smell from these trees..

I'll be carrying my eucalyptus tree around all summer if that scares them away!


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King Fergus

I've since read they hate the smell of Dole Whips..Magic Cookie Bars..And Candy... clapping


Well by all means then, you should keep a Dole Whip with you at all times!