In case you haven't heard, we have had a very very rainy summer. I just heard on the news that this brings out snakes, they like to lay across the warm pavement.
This would explain the experience that Mike (dh, aka luvduffy) had at EPCOT last Wednesday. He went to the Lynard Skynard tribute band concert at American Gardens. Riley (dd) and I went to do some other things, so we weren't with him. During the concert there was a disturbance down in front. People all moved away and a cm came with a big stick. Mike assumed it was probably a snake although he did not actually see them remove it. That was bad enough. As he was walking around ws to meet us, he came across a big crowd in the middle of the sidewalk. As he approached and parted the crowd, there was a long snake stretched across the sidewalk! He took a look at it with a flashlight cell phone and saw yellow red and black stripes. This is one of 2 kinds: a king snake which is very poisonous, or another kind, which is not dangerous. He told the crowd to move away as he was not sure which kind of snake it was, but was bothered by the many tourists trying to show their kids the big snake. He faded into the crowd and continued on as he saw several casts members heading toward the crowd, so we don't know how it ended, but assume the cm would take care of the situation.
We have been to Disney 1000's of times and we have never seen a snake there! We have actually marveled that we know they are there, but we've never seen one! Now 2 in a night, crazy! Obviously we live in FL and snakes are a part of life, like it or not. I am not scared of them, and if you leave them alone, they mind their own business. (I've had them in my classroom a couple times and it's not possible to leave them alone).
Wondering if anyone else has had any snake or wild life experiences in the world?
Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust