Video Tips!

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803
Video Tips!

I plan on taking some video (in fact I'm hoping to do my trip report in all video this year) but I have never really played around with the medium before. I'll be shooting with my Nikon D5200 (and maybe my cell phone?) I don't have any other special equipment.

Do you take video in Disney? What should I know before I start to explore this new for me medium?

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Kristen K. wrote:
I plan on taking some video (in fact I'm hoping to do my trip report in all video this year) but I have never really played around with the medium before. I'll be shooting with my Nikon D5200 (and maybe my cell phone?) I don't have any other special equipment.

Do you take video in Disney? What should I know before I start to explore this new for me medium?

Make sure you push the "record" button! Fact!

jrice4760's picture
Joined: 01/16/2014
Posts: 120

Use a tripod, or some kind of stabilization (monopod, gorillapod). Anything to hold a steady shot. Nothing is worse than shaky video. Good looking handheld shots take practice.

A small sized tripod will be worth a million if you plan to be in your trip report shots. While I've never acted on it, I've wanted to something similar: find a quiet table in the MK, set up the camera on a table-top tripod, sit around and run-down the day's events, panel style if possible.

When going hand held, don't work the camera like a firehose, sweeping the lens from one shot to another. Establish a shot, press "record", and hold the shot for several seconds longer than you think you should. The best things are said or done just after you stop recording.

Take the time to know and learn the video controls of your camera. This way, you won't have to think much when trying to get a shot of the action that's unfolding in front of you.

MrHub said: "Make sure you push the "record" button!". So true. Many people shooting video have gotten confused with their record button "pushes", and were "stopped" when they thought they were "recording", and vice versa. Needless to say, they were disappointed later.

I look forward to seeing your reports!


Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

jrice4760 wrote:

A small sized tripod will be worth a million if you plan to be in your trip report shots. While I've never acted on it, I've wanted to something similar: find a quiet table in the MK, set up the camera on a table-top tripod, sit around and run-down the day's events, panel style if possible.

I got this "I need to do video" idea in my head a month or two ago and I've been toying with it, but I'm not so sure I'm 100% committed yet. I have a few things that I need to figure out. And then there's always the possibility that I give it a try and lose interest. We'll see how it goes, my May trip is going to be a bit of a test run. If it works great - if not - meh... no big deal.