When to go to Downtown Disney?

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
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When to go to Downtown Disney?

For many people Downtown Disney is a must do stop on their vacation. But when do you go? On this past trip, we went on our first day, but I didn't feel like I was getting the full shopping benefit of DTD. I think I prefer to go on my last day because then if I've forgotten to pick up a gift for anyone, I can snag it at the last minute there.

When do you go to DTD?

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We usually go the first day. Then if there is something else we want to see we can go back again the day with visit AK since it closes so much earlier.


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I usually go to Downtown Disney the day I arrive or the day I leave.

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We save that for our last day and eat our final meal at T-Rex.

crazycatperson's picture
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We go on a day when we aren't visiting one of the parks. Last trip, I went to parks every day, so I visited DTD the last morning before I headed for the train station. For me, a couple of hours there is enough. I am not at all into recreational shopping.

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Usually the first day. We fly from west coast so are tired and sleep in the first AM. DTD is a great first day to ease into the frenzy. Also can get some shopping out of the way. Like others, we tend to go a second time before we are headed home in case therenwas something we didnt get elsewhere! But . . .If not to shop, then for some special treat at Puck's Express or Ghiradelli, or Earl of S, or Raglan Road or . . . awesome


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J. R. R. Tolkien

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This may come as a shock to many, but we go our first evening, our last morning and once in between Smile That way I don't miss anything and have multiple opportunities at WoD, Ghirardellis, the Christmas Shop, EoS, etc....

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Jeff, we are like you. We usually make several trips to DTD during our stay.

Melissa W's picture
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We always have planned for our first day to be at DTD. We have been doing this for the past 8 years. Last year we made the comment we should start going our last day to pick up anything we may have missed in the parks. I'm not sure we will be able to do it though this year! The temptation is too big. We love DTD!

subvetss's picture
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Since I don't do the parks I get to DTD at least once every day I am there and sometimes twice. Sometimes in the morning, sometimes at noon and sometimes a night. It's always great, crowded or not.

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Mase's picture
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We normally try to go in the middle of the week like Wednesday or Thursday. We use it as our downtime. But this past trip since we didn't have annual passes.... we went on the first and last day. I didn't like it because like Kristen said... we didn't feel it was the right time. Didn't want to blow all our money on the first day and such. And on the last day... we only had like 3 hours to eat and shop which was not fun at all because we were looking more for others (which is fine) and didn't have time to look for ourselves. So to me... the beginning and ending of the week just stink.... but the middle to close to end seem to work well.


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Jess's picture
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Mase wrote:
We normally try to go in the middle of the week like Wednesday or Thursday. We use it as our downtime. But this past trip since we didn't have annual passes.... we went on the first and last day. I didn't like it because like Kristen said... we didn't feel it was the right time. Didn't want to blow all our money on the first day and such. And on the last day... we only had like 3 hours to eat and shop which was not fun at all because we were looking more for others (which is fine) and didn't have time to look for ourselves. So to me... the beginning and ending of the week just stink.... but the middle to close to end seem to work well.



emmaanne's picture
Joined: 10/20/2011
Posts: 432

We went our first day there, since we weren't going to have a full park day anyway and then went again on a night when we were done with the park for the day but weren't ready to go to the room. For me its a play it by ear thing, whenever we have time.


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UHCoug11's picture
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We are going for 5 nights 6 days and plan on going to DD on the last night. We have a table service reservation at the Raglan Road. I can't wait. Thanks for the great pictures emmaanne!!


senseicj's picture
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we usually go our first day to see if there is anything the wife or kid want to buy,(we usually don't go to the park the first day) and then we go early on the day before we leave to get whatever it is so we can figure out how to pack it then off to the parks for the day


"You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
--Walt Disney--



dontthrowsand's picture
Joined: 05/28/2012
Posts: 359

I plan on going for lunch or shopping one day but that's about it

disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
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I will probably hit it at the beginning of the trip, on the way in to the parks, to scope out the new stuff. Then I hit the parks and compare what is there, and purchase at the end of the trip if I don't find something I like better. I have my eye on a coffee mug that is not on the website.

This next visit, I want to eat at Earl of Sandwich. Never eaten anywhere else there but Rainforest. Also I would like to check out Wolfgang Puck's counter service place.


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twilightsparrow's picture
Joined: 05/16/2012
Posts: 337

disneydoc...you'll love Earl of Sandwich. DH and I always eat there on our visits.


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The Cookie Crumbler's picture
Joined: 06/10/2012
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twilightsparrow wrote:
disneydoc...you'll love Earl of Sandwich. DH and I always eat there on our visits.

Seconded! They're tasty, and the sandwiches are a good size. My friend and I were able to split one for lunch easily.


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TTFN_71's picture
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We normally go to DTD the last morning / afternoon of our trip. Honestly I can use the down time away from the parks before heading to the airport. The DW hits all the shops and does pin trading. I think there are more pin lanyards in DTD at one time than AK and HS combined. In the shops we look for things we may have missed in the parks. Plus there are plenty of good places to have lunch. awesome


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salejune's picture
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Last year we went to DTD the first day since we didn't have anything scheduled. It was nice, but this year we're going more toward the end of our vacation. I always love going in the Christmas shoppe there and last year we did the hot air balloon, might do that again... great view...


finngirl's picture
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We usually go about midway through our vacation. But in May, we made the mistake of going after 7 p.m. Yikes, it was a zoo! It took us forever to get there - the boat queue from POR was very long, which should have been a hint. We ended up leaving after only being there about half an hour - we don't enjoy mob scenes.

In October, we will be smarter, and go sometime in mid-afternoon, no later. That will give us an excuse to eat at Earl of Sandwich - we discovered E of S in Las Vegas last year, and loved it.



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disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
Posts: 2415

yummy, can't wait. Recommendations?


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Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
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We usually go mid week or the last day. I've never been there on the first day, i'm way too excited to hit the parks mickey

dontthrowsand's picture
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Posts: 359

Probably one afternoon and the morning we leave

Hurlymcgurly's picture
Joined: 10/23/2012
Posts: 82

My sibs and I will probably hit it every night of our 3 day after were done in the parks! I'm really looking forward to Jellyrolls! What else is a must do hot spot for late nighters?

The Cookie Crumbler's picture
Joined: 06/10/2012
Posts: 750

Hurlymcgurly wrote:
My sibs and I will probably hit it every night of our 3 day after were done in the parks! I'm really looking forward to Jellyrolls! What else is a must do hot spot for late nighters?

Well, I've never been to Raglan Road, but we're excited to try it one night since they have a live band and Mangers on draft.


Fellow Americans, I hear your tambourines inside my head and that's no lie!

robertcraig's picture
Joined: 05/19/2011
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I love to go to downtown disney i usualy go in the evenig love the resturants been to RAINFORREST----T REX ---RAGLAN ROAD ---PARIDISO 37---FULTONS--HOUSE OF BLUES--PLANET HOLIWOOD and of course GHIRARDELLIS for ice cream and hot chocolate.In the evening you have all the street entertainers.

