Hi, I've had a great time at Disneyworld for the most part. When I went on Star Tours, instead of being helped when I couldn't buckle my belt, the CM said "It's not like people aren't waiting." getting everyone to stare at me, as if I was holding people up on purpose. I reported this, and Disney said it should not have happened. Then last night, this old woman CM was screaming like a banshee for people to move along during a parade. I ended up having to yell " YOU WILL NOT BULLY ME!" at her. She was following me around as other people, screaming they need to move.
I understand CMs can get frustrated, but they seem to feel they can take this out on adults who supposedly should be able to handle it. It's abuse of authority to create a situation where a person is singled out for something beyond their control, like a belt not working. Or to stalk someone for not moving along. It would seem Disney isn't very good at explaining to CMs the difference between being authoritative, and being a bully. If you ask people nicely to move along they will. If you trigger their flight or fight response in a crowd, you are creating a situation that could result in panic. I think it seems some CMs in the minority, can only follow the rules, and do not have the flexibility to understand things, like if someone is watching the parade out of people's way, they don't need to move. I would've moved if asked nicely, I'm not going to accept a harpy of a CM yelling and stalking people, as well as terrifying children, because they are incompetent.
I do try to respect the CMs, but you would think that if someone has a special pass, as I was wearing that might be a sign that person has an invisible disability. I have Asperger's Syndrome, meaning I'm more sensitive to my fight or flight response. I wonder if some frustrated CMs see the pass, and think that means a person is more vulnerable, and a good opportunity for bullying. Maybe they think nothing is wrong with me, and they'll teach me for having an entitlement. I honestly don't know, but the majority of CMs are fantastic.
I just wish they would understand many people have been bullied, and that leads to PTSD. That being aggressive might make that person panic, become upset, or become aggressive. If you want to control a crowd, I would think it would priority to avoid said feelings in park goers. My mom said before I took anti-depressants that these incidents would upset me so much, I'd have to leave the park. I don't think bullying should be associated with CMs by adults and children. I believe it is possible to control a crowd, without screaming and chasing after people, making people panic, or parents walk off with terrified children. I also believe it shouldn't be asking so much, that a person can enjoy Disneyworld, without having to experiencing past truama related to bullying.
There is a difference between being authoritative, and being a bully. CMs should be able to understand the difference. They should be willing to help, not create a situation that could lead to emotional harm. I want to just state again, I do respect CMs, and most of them are great. Those few who feel they can go on a power trip, need to be reigned in however