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Joined: 02/16/2012
Posts: 44
Well Hello...

Hi there - Figured I should introduce myself yay

DH and I went to WDW for our honeymoon and instantly got hooked. We went back about 2 years later (this past June) and are planning on a 2012 Jan trip now. Neither of us had went since we were kids - and don't remember much of it - and we didn't expect to love it as much as we did.

So great to have found this place where people don't think I'm crazy for being a 30-something and going there with out kids and loving it that much!!!


August '09 - Honeymoon at POFQ
June '11 - Coronado Springs
Jan '13 - POFQ
August '14 - 5 Year Anniversary at YC
Sept '17 - POR

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Kristen K.'s picture
Joined: 09/01/2011
Posts: 23803

Hello Clairenmn and Welcome!!
Just right in to the conversations and have fun!

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

Welcome to WDWFG Clairenmn.


Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350

Welcome and hi there right back at ya. You are going to love it here. We all LOVE LOVE LOVE all things Disney! Have you started planning your next trip yet? Where are you thinking of staying? Where did you stay on your honeymoon?


Melissa W's picture
Joined: 10/28/2011
Posts: 560

welcome to the boards!! You are not alone in your Disney obsessions!!

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Welcome , welcome, you'll fit right in here. mickey

Joined: 12/28/2011
Posts: 1039

Welcome aboard the best board around!


If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.
J. R. R. Tolkien

Joined: 02/16/2012
Posts: 44

Thanks everyone!!!

We stayed at POFQ for our honeymoon in '09 and Coronado Springs this past Memorial Day. For our next trip (Hoping for 10 days - Last week of Jan '13 to first week of Feb) we're looking to stay at WL...
And yes, already thinking about ADRs! Def want to do Beauty's Castle if its open, and my BIL actually went down to help open Via Napoli so we need to do that as well. Have a few other places we're considering (Cape May, maybe Fulton's)


August '09 - Honeymoon at POFQ
June '11 - Coronado Springs
Jan '13 - POFQ
August '14 - 5 Year Anniversary at YC
Sept '17 - POR

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Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
Posts: 2350

Clairenmn wrote:
Thanks everyone!!!

We stayed at POFQ for our honeymoon in '09 and Coronado Springs this past Memorial Day. For our next trip (Hoping for 10 days - Last week of Jan '13 to first week of Feb) we're looking to stay at WL...
And yes, already thinking about ADRs! Def want to do Beauty's Castle if its open, and my BIL actually went down to help open Via Napoli so we need to do that as well. Have a few other places we're considering (Cape May, maybe Fulton's)

That's so cool. We stayed at POFQ for our honeymoon in '09 too. What month did you get married? Maybe we were celebrating at the same time!


JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 6757

Welcome! I ate at Via Napoli in November. It's very good.


Joined: 02/16/2012
Posts: 44

Kris - we were there in August (I think we got there around the 10th)


August '09 - Honeymoon at POFQ
June '11 - Coronado Springs
Jan '13 - POFQ
August '14 - 5 Year Anniversary at YC
Sept '17 - POR

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Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
Posts: 4357

Welcome aboard! yay yay yay

I second the endorsement of Via Napoli. Any others you've got on your radar. Have you been to Fulton's before? Everyone loves it, although my experiences there have not been representative.

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Brad Fulton's has totally changed since Jan 1 when they started taking the dinning plan. We used to go every trip, & this last one may have been the last time. Management and staff has totally changed and the attitude was pretty much "what do you want" & " here is your food". We used to have a great time there and the staff was so friendly, but I think that has gone by the way. The menu has changed too, its like half of what it used to be. prices went up and none of the fresh sea food anymore ore specialty dishes. They used to have to print the menu's everyday because of the fresh dishes they had, not anymore. Its really sad to see a restaurant like that dissapear.

Joined: 02/12/2012
Posts: 271

Welcome to the boards!

I'm eager to try out Via Napoli next trip too! It looks amazing, walking past was just torture for me last trip so this time I have to get inside!


[url='http://salocainwonderland.blogspot.com']Saloca in Wonderland[/url] <--- blog!

Lizzy_B's picture
Joined: 10/25/2010
Posts: 3246

Welcome welcome! You are definitely not alone - we love all the grownup fun Disney has to offer!

What's your favorite park or experience? Your BIL helped to open Via Napoli...is he part of the restaurant group that runs it? What a cool connection!


Joined: 02/16/2012
Posts: 44

Oh - Sad to hear that about Fultons - I was wondering if the DP would change it. We usually do the DP, because we enjoy the sit down meals dinner every day and trying new places, and not having to worry about figuring out money for it. but it does change places that accept it...

We were going to go to Via Napoli last trip, but some friends of ours drove down to meet us last min and they couldn't change our reservation so we wound up eating in Japan instead.
Yes, the BIL is part of the restaurant group - he's actually one of the top beverage managers there, so he helped set up the bar Smile He went down for a few days, worked for a while then got to tour the World on the company dime...


August '09 - Honeymoon at POFQ
June '11 - Coronado Springs
Jan '13 - POFQ
August '14 - 5 Year Anniversary at YC
Sept '17 - POR

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Brad's picture
Joined: 08/05/2008
Posts: 4357

Clairenmn wrote:

Yes, the BIL is part of the restaurant group - he's actually one of the top beverage managers there, so he helped set up the bar Smile He went down for a few days, worked for a while then got to tour the World on the company dime...

Where do I apply? laugh

Joined: 09/12/2010
Posts: 4704

Hello and welcome! What a cool connection to the World with the BIL! clapping clapping

Bella's picture
Joined: 06/11/2010
Posts: 3886

Welcome welcome! You are going to love it here!

We honeymooned at Disney too..it was amazing! Did you wear the bride and groom ears? Did you get any special treatment??


mickey Bella

Joined: 02/16/2012
Posts: 44

Yes, we wore the ears the whole time - and we got so many compliments and even some goodies! I think my favorite was a the complimentary champagne at California Grill, which I took out to the deck to watch the fire works... amazing! (And it doesn't hurt that my husband doesn't drink, so I got to drink both of them Smile ) The funniest was the kids running the ride in Malestrom made a big fuss over us, and gave us our own boat for "privacy"... heh heh heh...

This pic was in France - we had just gotten to Epcot and had ADRs for our first night at Chefs de France, and when we got there, Aurora was just there with her handler, no line! No idea how that happened, but we walked right up and she was fantastic. She kept complimenting my ring (I have a sapphire ring instead of a diamond for my engagement ring) and kept telling the photographer to get a good shot of it to tell Phillip because it would match her eyes so well!


August '09 - Honeymoon at POFQ
June '11 - Coronado Springs
Jan '13 - POFQ
August '14 - 5 Year Anniversary at YC
Sept '17 - POR

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Mase's picture
Joined: 03/02/2011
Posts: 5438

Welcome Welcome Welcome! Glad your here! biggrin


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Jess's picture
Joined: 03/04/2011
Posts: 3280

Welcome Smile loved hearing about your trip


evilduckqueen's picture
Joined: 02/19/2012
Posts: 117

Welcome to the boards!!
I will be celebrating my honeymoon at WDW, so I am looking forward to hearing more about yours! yay


"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney