Finding Nemo: The Musical


Disney Holding Auditions for Finding Nemo

Ever dreamed of being in a Disney show? Now just might be your chance. Looks like Disney is searching for a few good performers for their Finding Nemo: The Musical show.

Here's an idea of what Disney is looking for:

Disney Parks Talent Casting is seeking musical theatre performers of all ethnicities and builds to portray principal and ensemble roles for Finding Nemo, the Musical, an original musical theatre production based on the Disney - Pixar hit animated feature, performed at the Walt Disney World(r) Resort in Orlando, FL.

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Attractions To Relax On At Disney's Animal Kingdom

Disney's Animal Kingdom is foot by foot the largest of the Disney Parks. It's full with lush vegetation, exotic animal habitats, and thrilling rides - but after a few hot hours in the Disney jungle, it's nice to take a little break. These four great attractions let your party keep on touring while still offering folks the chance to sit down and rest for a few. Whether you just want to get off of your feet or you're looking for a climate controlled retreat, head to a viewing of these Animal Kingdom gems for a few minutes to refresh.

Touring Tips for Disney's Animal Kingdom

We've updated our previous tips for Disney's Animal Kingdom bringing you more expert advice on this Park than ever. By far is one of the most unique theme parks that Disney offers, Disney's Animal Kingdom themed entirely around animal conservation, it showcases the love and dedication that Walt Disney himself had to conservation of our natural world.

Best Spots to Take a Break at Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Touring Disney's Animal Kingdom is a different experience than touring any of the other theme parks at the Walt Disney World Resort. The terrain is different, the walkways a bit uneven at times, the park is spread out, and during most of the year it feels like they're pumping extra heat and humidity into the park.

The Top Must-See Shows at the Walt Disney World Resort

Everyone has a favorite show that is always on their "must" list during a Walt Disney World vacation. And we know the Wishes, IllumiNations, and Fantasmic are likely on that list.

But today we're going to talk about some of the other "must see" shows at Walt Disney World, including a couple that might not be on your radar.

Finding Nemo: The Musical at Animal Kingdom

Finding Nemo - The Musical is a family favorite at Animal Kingdom. Housed inside the Theater in the Wild, Finding Nemo - The Musical was actually a replacement for an older show, Tarzan Rocks.

Must Do and Won't Do

So far we've given you our background and our love of food, music, and movies. The one "big" aspect of Disney we haven't touched on yet is the parks themselves. In discussing what we would write about this week, several ideas were tossed about. How best to share our love of the parks? There is so much to discuss, to argue over, to dissect. We decided, as we did with the other topics, to start broadly.