MAMouse's January 2014 Trip Report!

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MAMouse's picture
Joined: 12/05/2013
Posts: 17
MAMouse's January 2014 Trip Report!

Hi all,

This is my first time writing one of these out, so go easy on me.

Couple things:

We got selected for MyMagic+ and Magic Bands. We still haven't bought our tickets, cause I am still undecided on if I should buy a DVC member annual pass. I don't know if I'll be able to link it to the FastPass+ because I wouldn't get it until I got to Guest Services. Does anyone know what happens if you don't set up FastPass+? Can you just use FastPass like you used to? We reserved Magical Express, and we are staying at Boardwalk from Wed-Sat. We decided to add another night, but we couldn't get BW for that Sunday night, so we will be moving to Saratoga for our final night of the trip. It almost seems like this trip is too short, so I'm sure when we are there it will feel like it is going by even faster.

Wednesday, Jan. 22
After working shortened days, J and I will be flying down to ORL and should get in to the Boardwalk around 9-930, and we will hope to catch a late dinner at either Flying Fish or ESPN Club.

Thursday, Jan. 23
We have early morning reservations at Kona for breakfast, and then plan to hop the monorail to the MK until it gets too crowded or we get tired of it. We usually do the 'split day' tactic, and go back to the hotel during the day before going to another park at night. We have reservations right before Illuminations at Le Cellier.

Friday, Jan. 24
We plan to hit Animal Kingdom in the morning, and I was thinking about eating at Yak & Yeti, but I've never been to AK, so I don't really know how to plan anything for that park. We will probably go back to Epcot at night for EMH, and I was thinking about eating at Garden Grille.

Saturday, Jan. 25
Plan to hit Hollywood in the morning, and probably keep the night open, maybe hit MK. Don't have any ADRs for this day, but I would like to plan at least one more.

Sunday, Jan. 26
We always tend to leave the last day open, but I always try to end my Disney trip at the Magic Kingdom. Something about looking down Main Street before you go back to reality gives me an inner peace.

Monday, Jan. 27
We are then up early for a 7:20 flight out of MCO, and we both have to work that day!

I would love to hear any and all recommendations! I have never been to AK and I really don't know how to plan for it. Any other dinner spots we should hit? How should we set up our day? Has anyone flown out of MCO on Monday morning? I know it is typical for it to be horribly slow to get through security, just wondering if it is any worse at the beginning of the work week.

Although I have been to WDW over 25 times, I have gotten very predictable in my routine. I want to mix it up this time around, so I'd love to hear any recommendations you all have! I've still never seen Fantasmic and just wanted to know if it was worth it.

Last question for a pre-trip report that is already way too long! J is my significant other, and although I'm not at the point of proposing yet (I'm only 25), I'd like to do something very special for her on this trip. I already bought some earrings from the Disney store which I will give to her on the plane on the way down. This trip coincides with our two year anniversary and we agreed to take it easy on the gifts, but I still want to do something special for her! Any ideas?

Anyways, thanks for reading my rambling! A little more than a month before I am back at truly the best place in the world. Hopefully we will see some of you there!

MA Mouse


Old Key West 2016
Beach Club 2015
Boardwalk Villas 2014
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Third Week in February for Life

Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
Posts: 2994

Looks good! We love AK...but we love animals. Many members here prefer to only
spend a half day at AK before moving on where we could easily soak in the slower pace
and animal watch, walk the trails all day. I would recommend you see Festival of the Lion
King which is a "show" and lasts about 30 minutes. Also Finding Nemo the Musical is
very entertaining and was so much different (better) than I had expected...if you are
a roller coaster lover-Mt. Everest is not to be left unchallenged and the lines there can
get long. Last but certainly not least, is the Kilimanjaro Safari's....real, live animals
and a breathtaking savanna~!

I have just posted some of our trip report from can find the link
to it below in my signature line or here:

(and GOOD THINKING on the earrings-I know she will love it! I would muchlove )

Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
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Just like Magic Mirror, we love the slower pace at AK and can spend an entire day there. I agree that Festival of the Lion King and Everest are must dos. I also like It's tough to be a Bug, Dinosaur and Primeval Whirl. I've never eaten at Yak and Yeti but it's on my list to try since it seems a lot of others on this forum really like it. We ate at Flametree BBQ for the first time and enjoyed it. I'd definatly go back. However, you mentioned about maybe going to Epcot to the Garden Grill that night. That is my absolute favourite place to eat! The food is yummy and plentiful, the service is amazing (or has been for us anyways) and the characters are great. I can't wait to go back awesome

Eeyore's picture
Joined: 11/22/2012
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Sounds like a great trip!

Maybe you could plan a special dinner at Victoria and Albert's? I don't know if that fits your budget, but maybe book an intimate dining experience?

Anything can be romantic and special at Disney!

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Sounds like a great trip...minus returning to work the day you get back...yuck! yuck Finding Nemo the Musical and Yak & Yeti for lettuce wraps and a Kobe Beef burger are must do's for me at AK! As for a special surprise for your GF...maybe a special delivery from Disney Floral? Have a great trip!

JanJ's picture
Joined: 07/14/2013
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We love Yak & Yeti and it's a definite must do each trip. We've only ever had the lo mein noodle dish and it is amazing - hoping to branch out and try the burger in January as everyone on this forum raves about it. We also love Kona for breakfast. Sounds like you have a great trip planned!

P.S. We're also flying into Orlando on the 22nd and staying at the Boardwalk (the Inn side). biggrin

MAMouse's picture
Joined: 12/05/2013
Posts: 17

Thanks for all your great responses and suggestions!

Magic Mirror, your trip report was awesome and we will definitely spend some extended time at AK this year.

Allie, I really don't know anything about the Disney Floral, but i will look into it.

Eeyore, Victoria and Alberts is just a bit out of my price range! But I would like to eat there some day.

Spook, I think I will definitely make that Garden Grille reservation now. Every time I go back to WDW, it seems like there are so many things about Epcot I still don't know.

Jan, maybe we will see you around the Boardwalk! I read your trip report from your previous stay and it made me very excited for this trip. I have actually never stayed at Boardwalk (at least since I can remember), and I am very interested to see how it is compared to OKW and SSR.


Old Key West 2016
Beach Club 2015
Boardwalk Villas 2014
Saratoga 2013

Third Week in February for Life

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
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sounds like a great trip. Definitely give Animal Kingdom a try. I give Yak & Yeti a vote too.


Mandy's picture
Joined: 06/18/2013
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I would like to point out that Festival of the Lion King is closing January 5 and will be down for approx. 6 months for the relocation from Camp Minnie-Mickey to Africa behind Tusker House. I also like Yak and Yeti! I've gone a couple of times. You could also look into spa treatments for while you are there along with Disney Floral.

MAMouse's picture
Joined: 12/05/2013
Posts: 17

Getting very close to our departure date! We have narrowed our ADRs down to Kona and Via Napoli instead of Le Cellier ($$$! Yikes!), and I am still undecided on Yak & Yeti.

I know that are are quite a bit of people are going to be at the World when we are as well, so if anyone would like to meet up let me know!

Not a huge fan of not being able to spread FastPass+ over multiple parks, or that Epcot and Hollywood make you only select one from a more popular group. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

I attached a picture of J's earrings I am giving to her the morning of the trip that she has no idea about as of yet. Hoping she will like them.

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Old Key West 2016
Beach Club 2015
Boardwalk Villas 2014
Saratoga 2013

Third Week in February for Life

JanJ's picture
Joined: 07/14/2013
Posts: 1681

Love the earrings! awesome

Kristen K.'s picture
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Magic Mirror's picture
Joined: 09/18/2012
Posts: 2994

muchlove terrific job on picking out the earrings! muchlove

MAMouse's picture
Joined: 12/05/2013
Posts: 17

Hello all!

I know its been awhile since our trip, but I just haven't had the time to sit down and write it all out for you. I am a beginner at posting pictures (all of which were taken with my iPhone, so they aren't all the greatest quality), so please take it easy on me!

Day One: Arrival

On Wednesday the 22nd, I had to work all day, and J's friend and her picked me up and we were straight to Logan for the flight.

After an uneventful flight, we were in line for Magical Express, which ended up taking more than an hour to get back. I have never experienced a wait like that before, and there were certainly some unhappy campers in line. Relax people, its free.

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Old Key West 2016
Beach Club 2015
Boardwalk Villas 2014
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Third Week in February for Life

MAMouse's picture
Joined: 12/05/2013
Posts: 17

Day Two: MK + Epcot

After a good nights sleep we were up and ready to go to MK, but first we had breakfast at Kona. After some Tonga Toast, we got back on the monorail and headed down Main Street to take some pictures. We hit some of our favorite rides including Small World, TTA, Carousel, and Buzz!

In the afternoon we headed back to BW and grabbed a quick lunch and some down time before heading out to Epcot. Even after being to WDW so many times I still had never tried TestTrack or Soarin...more on that later. We also made plans to eat at a different country every night in Epcot and tonight we went to Mexico. J is a huge fan of Mexican food and this was her pick and I have to say it was fantastic. We both had the fish tacos. We skipped Illuminations to hit up TestTrack and Soarin before Epcot closed. Before we knew it we were walking back to the BW, taking in all the sights and sounds of the best place on earth! We immediately crashed, as we had early morning plans to head to AK (another park I'd never been to)

Side Notes: I feel like WDW is taking note of people complaining about the crane, so they are trying to strategically place it throughout the day and keep it out of sight of Main Street. Splash was once again closed for the second year in a row. This is a major disappointment as it is my favorite ride, but I guess it was too cold anyway.

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Old Key West 2016
Beach Club 2015
Boardwalk Villas 2014
Saratoga 2013

Third Week in February for Life

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

Yay! A late TR is better then no TR! Can't wait for more! yay

LyssaJ1's picture
Joined: 02/13/2014
Posts: 42

Salutations MA Mouse!

Your trip report is really good, so no worries...and as Allie said, better than no trip report wink

What did you think of Ohana? I'm trying to talk my hubby into going for dinner, as we're both meat eaters biggrin

MAMouse's picture
Joined: 12/05/2013
Posts: 17

Lyssa - We actually didn't go to Ohana, just Kona. We tried to get a reservation there but it was completely booked on one of the least busiest weeks of the year. That should tell you something in itself.

Day Three: AK + Epcot

Up bright and early once again, we took the bus to Animal Kingdom. Neither of us had ever been here so we were looking forward to the visit. We went on Kilimanjaro Safari, which was a blast. After that, we got on the train to Rafiki's Conservation Station. A two minute train ride put us there, and we actually spent more than an hour looking at all the exhibits. It is really interesting there - check it out next time you are at AK. We then rode Expedition Everest, Dino Land, and Primeval Whirl. I thought Everest was the best coaster in WDW! Had never been on it til then however, so maybe its just first time enjoyment coming out. Really enjoyed Animal Kingdom, even though we didn't see any of the shows we will definitely be going back next time we visit.

After a short trip back to BW to change and relax, we headed over to Epcot to have dinner at Italy! We first rode Spaceship Earth (both of our favorite rides at Epcot), Imagination, and Nemo. I do have to say that the dinner we had at Via Napoli was amazing. It was by far my favorite meal of the trip, although I am a pizza lover. We split a white garlic and pepperoni pizza with a fried mozzarella appetizer. After the meal, we rode Test Track again before seeing the American Adventure and poking in some shops with a couple drinks in hand. We didn't get back til around 11 that night because of EMH.

Can anyone find the hidden mickey in the pictures? It's actually quite big...

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Old Key West 2016
Beach Club 2015
Boardwalk Villas 2014
Saratoga 2013

Third Week in February for Life

MAMouse's picture
Joined: 12/05/2013
Posts: 17

Day Four: HS + Epcot

After a late start, we got on the boat and braved the wicked wind of the lake to reach HS. Once there, we rode RRC. J hates Tower of Terror, so she went to go see Little Mermaid while I went alone. After meeting back up, we went to Toy Story Mania, Walt Disney's Dream, and the Animation Drawing Class. I thought the drawing class was incredibly fun (pictures after), as I had never been there before. We then trucked on up to see Muppets and the Backlot Tour (another first, not as impressed). By that time it was mid-afternoon and we were ready for lunch so we packed it up and had lunch at the Brewery on the Boardwalk, which was great.

At night we headed back out to Epcot, this time eating at Morocco. I didn't really enjoy Marrakesh as much as I thought I would, but I guess it was okay. I had the Lamb Couscous with mixed veggies, and J had the chicken variation.We didn't really do much this night as we were worn out from the night before. We just poked around the shops before heading home, and got a quick drink at the Belle Vue in BW (highly recommended). All of a sudden, it was about to be our last day in WDW! mad

Side Note: Neither J or I are big food picture takers, so sorry for the lack of exciting WDW cuisine. Next TR we will be sure to take some more.

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Old Key West 2016
Beach Club 2015
Boardwalk Villas 2014
Saratoga 2013

Third Week in February for Life

MAMouse's picture
Joined: 12/05/2013
Posts: 17

Day Five: MK, HS, + Epcot

Getting our Magical Express envelope that morning only made things worse, but we soldiered on to MK bright and early. We rode some of the rides we hadn't got a chance to, like House of Presidents, Thunder (again), Phillhar Magic, Buzz (again), and Space. J really wanted to ride the train, so we got one last view of MK before leaving it until who knows when.

We got on a transfer bus to HS, mainly because we wanted to ride TSM again. I won again, of course biggrin We went on the Great Movie Ride and got the Cowboy (prefer the gangster). If you were wondering why there has been no Star Wars on this TR, it is because it gets us incredibly sick so we don't mind skipping it at all. I rode ToT while J poked around in the shops. We went to the animation class one last time and then headed back to BW.

In our final journey to Epcot, we had reservations at Coral Reef Restaurant, which was excellent. I had the lobster pasta, and J had the special (grilled fish of some sort). We really enjoyed this restaurant, although sitting up front is a must. The extra 10 minutes wait is worth it. Reluctantly, J dragged me to Test Track one last time. We sat in all the model cars at the end, talking to the woman who was the Chevy rep. She said you wouldn't imagine the beating these cards take, like people taking the seats out, or figuring out how to undo the stereo and trying to take it with them as a souvenir! Anyway, we rode Maelstrom as well. After spending way too long in Mouse Gears, we slowly made our way to the back entrance near England and went to bed. Our flight was at 7 AM.

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Old Key West 2016
Beach Club 2015
Boardwalk Villas 2014
Saratoga 2013

Third Week in February for Life

Mrferret's picture
Joined: 03/02/2013
Posts: 1710

I have the Mickey key thingy yay


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MAMouse's picture
Joined: 12/05/2013
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Day Six: See Ya Real Soon + Extra Thoughts

Our ME time was 4:45 AM! We were up bright and early, and I had to work that day as well. We checked out, and after our connecting flight through Baltimore (sound familiar SW riders?) we were back in cold Boston by 11:30.

Other Things:

- As I said earlier, I was extremely disappointed about Splash being closed. Does anyone have any info on this? Is it an ongoing project? Why are they working on it for so long?
- In the England shop, they only had Chelsea, Man U, Man C, and Arsenal jerseys. As a Liverpool fan, I took great offense to this. So did the CM from Liverpool that I asked about it.
- I never really liked Epcot as a kid, but now it is quickly becoming my favorite park. Walking the World Showcase every night is a lot bigger than I remembered.
- If anyone likes to 'stick to their guns' when at WDW, I definitely learned this trip that if you try new things, more often than not you will enjoy it.
- Still think Peter Pan is the most overrated ride at WDW. Always a 45 minute wait for a 2 minute long experience.
- Really enjoyed the beer selection available all over, didn't enjoy the price.

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Old Key West 2016
Beach Club 2015
Boardwalk Villas 2014
Saratoga 2013

Third Week in February for Life

MAMouse's picture
Joined: 12/05/2013
Posts: 17

got a couple videos as well, the embed code from youtube doesn't work...anyone know how to upload one?


Old Key West 2016
Beach Club 2015
Boardwalk Villas 2014
Saratoga 2013

Third Week in February for Life

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

MAMouse wrote:
got a couple videos as well, the embed code from youtube doesn't work...anyone know how to upload one?

Don't use the embed code, just copy the link in your browser window, should have this in the beginning,

If not replace the part of your link with

if you use the share link - this will take you to Youtube to watch the video rather then playing it directly here on the forum.

If that makes any sense.

Mandy's picture
Joined: 06/18/2013
Posts: 2485

They close Splash just about every winter to make sure everything is working properly. This year it's only closed a couple months where as last year it was closed for like 4 months. It closed in December 2012 then reopened in like March 2013. This year it closed down in early to mid January until March 21 if everything goes well.

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Splash Mt is usually closed every other year for major refurbs & maintenance during the winter months.