Unexpected Surprise Trip!

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Unexpected Surprise Trip!

So I said it would probably be 3 years before we returned to Disney World. Well, I got a totally unexpected surprise this weekend.

I have a very rare autoimmune disease. I've been part of our local support group for almost two years and was asked about six months ago if I would be willing to serve on the State Board. It's been a wonderful experience. Yesterday, we had a phone conference board meeting. At the end of the conference, the President said that every year, they try to send a new board member to the National Conference. I'm the only new one, so they asked if I would be able to go. They would pay for the flight, hotel and registration. I told them I would love to.

Now, I get off the phone, look at hubs and go, "Want to go with me?" He said, "Where is it?" Me, "Ummm, Anaheim."
Him, "What!! We could go to Disneyland!"

EXACTLY!!! They will allow us to fly in early, and we get the conference rate for up to 3 additional days! The conference is 3 blocks from Disneyland! So hubs is going with me, and we are going 3 days early, so Disneyland for 2 days!

I'm so pumped!

MrHub's picture
Joined: 10/29/2009
Posts: 9504

Nice! awesome


I'm still in shock! I can't believe it!

JanJ's picture
Joined: 07/14/2013
Posts: 1681

Wow, that's a great surprise!

Joined: 08/01/2012
Posts: 2037

Way to go VelcroPooh. What a super surprise.

SoonToBeMrsScott's picture
Joined: 02/23/2014
Posts: 14

What a great surprise!! yay


Eeyore's picture
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Mandy's picture
Joined: 06/18/2013
Posts: 2485

That's a great surprise!

Vettelover's picture
Joined: 03/28/2009
Posts: 4658

What a fantastic surprise trip. yay


Magic Days's picture
Joined: 11/02/2012
Posts: 601

That is great. Congratulations.


disneydoc's picture
Joined: 06/27/2012
Posts: 2415

How exciting! I would be bouncing off the walls! clapping


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Spook's picture
Joined: 04/27/2012
Posts: 2786

That's so awesome yay

Mousedreaming's picture
Joined: 02/11/2014
Posts: 367

Those are the nicest surprises!


*Proud Disney Nut*

JoAnn C's picture
Joined: 05/20/2011
Posts: 6757

That is awesome


crazycatperson's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
Posts: 3718

OMG that is so awesome! Have you ever been to Disneyland before?

Kris1971's picture
Joined: 08/10/2011
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crazycatperson wrote:
OMG that is so awesome! Have you ever been to Disneyland before?

No, I haven't! What's ironic is that DH and I had just decided on vacation this year Friday night. We came to an agreement that we would alternate between land and sea. We both love to cruise but there are also other places we want to go. So since we did Disney World last year (land), we decided to cruise this year! We literally booked the cruise Friday night, and then got this call Saturday!

So two vacations this year now, six weeks apart! One if by land...two if by sea.......

disneydoc wrote:
How exciting! I would be bouncing off the walls! clapping

I am! Ha ha!

Allie's picture
Joined: 06/26/2012
Posts: 5477

VelcroPooh wrote:
crazycatperson wrote:
OMG that is so awesome! Have you ever been to Disneyland before?

No, I haven't! What's ironic is that DH and I had just decided on vacation this year Friday night. We came to an agreement that we would alternate between land and sea. We both love to cruise but there are also other places we want to go. So since we did Disney World last year (land), we decided to cruise this year! We literally booked the cruise Friday night, and then got this call Saturday!

So two vacations this year now, six weeks apart! One if by land...two if by sea.......

disneydoc wrote:
How exciting! I would be bouncing off the walls! clapping

I am! Ha ha!

Wow! Two awesome upcoming trips! I expect some fantastic TRs coming our way Wink biggrin

Jessalynn27's picture
Joined: 08/22/2013
Posts: 157

How exciting!! I am so anxious to read your trip report for this trip, as I very much enjoyed reading your last trip report. Congrats on 2 fun vacations this year yay



Thank you! I'm still looking at flights and such (since we pay for DH's) and car rentals, blah...blah..blah. I have to get that information to the Board so they can book stuff before I can even begin to work on Disney!